Low gain overdrive, working great with all kinds of amplifiers and pasting itself great on every Channel.
The circuit is based on Class A preamplifier BURR BROWN which allows serious amounts of sustain and at the same time ensures a high level of dynamics and a low amount of hum.
CLEAN channel – gets a beautiful creamy and juicy crunch, that melts in your ears like a chocolate bar in your mouth.
DRIVE channels – it's great for boosting, wide and juicy drive with a lot of midrange tones, without cutting the low edge.
Vanilla Sky Overdrive was made to create an effect, which would retain it's dynamics, and allow the guitar individual tone to shine through even at the highest GAIN settings. A complete analog signal line helps achieve a rich, and organic sound.
MLC Vanilla Sky Overdrive
Low gain overdrive, working great with all kinds of amplifiers and pasting itself great on every Channel.
The circuit is based on Class A preamplifier BURR BROWN which allows serious amounts of sustain and at the same time ensures a high level of dynamics and a low amount of hum.
CLEAN channel – gets a beautiful creamy and juicy crunch, that melts in your ears like a chocolate bar in your mouth.
DRIVE channels – it's great for boosting, wide and juicy drive with a lot of midrange tones, without cutting the low edge.
Vanilla Sky Overdrive was made to create an effect, which would retain it's dynamics, and allow the guitar individual tone to shine through even at the highest GAIN settings. A complete analog signal line helps achieve a rich, and organic sound.
LEVEL - volume level, TREBLE - treble tone, BASS - bass tone, DRIVE - gain level